Shaikh Ahmad Khidhar al-Trablasi’s Recitation of the Quran {Qaaloon: Naafi’}

Title: Shaikh Ahmad Khidhar al-Trablasi’s Recitation of the Quran {Qaaloon: Naafi’}
Reciter: Ahmad Bin Khader Al-Trablisi
Short Discription: Shaikh Ahmad Khidhar al-Trablasi’s Recitation of the Quran {Qaaloon: Naafi’} This version is produced by Hunain company and characterized by pure sound and high quality {MP3: 128 Kbps}.
Addition Date: 2011-09-25
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Translation of Subject Description: Arabic - French - Uyghur - Uzbek - Kurdish - Bengali - Thai - Persian - Urdu - Bosnian - Turkish - Vietnamese - German - Korean - Portuguese - Spanish - Albanian - Russian - Dutch - Polish - Indonesian - Malayalam - Hindi - Tajik - Nepali - Telugu - Tamil - Chinese - Tagalog - Somali - Bambara - Swahili - Fula - Soninke - Wolof - Akane